Responsive Slider

WordPress plugin

A plugin for creating slides from images, links, and titles. The slider would then take those slides and present them as a jQuery-powered slideshow - at a chosen location within your theme, page, or post. You can control the slide order as well.


  1. Download and unzip the plugin package.
  2. Upload the folder 'responsive-slider' to '/wp-content/plugins/'.
  3. Navigate to the "Plugins" page in your WordPress admin panel and Activate the plugin. A new item "Slides" would appear in your admin menu.


  1. Go to Slides → Settings and configure the slider options.
  2. Go to Slides → Add New Slide and create some slides.
  3. Place:

    in your template file (header.php, index.php, etc.) - where you want it displayed. Alternatively you can use [responsive_slider] into a post or a page - just like any other shortcode.

Then you may want to check the Slider Demo we've set - it would give you an idea what is possible to achieve with Responsive Slider.


This plugin is supported at DevPress - a WordPress community of developers, designers, and professional WordPress users.


Copyright & License

Responsive Slider is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL).

This plugin is copyrighted to DevPress.